Ultimate sculpin fly! This is the third video in our series on how to tie fuzzy nymphs and streamer flies using hair and fur from skin patches.
Today I tie a small sculpin style streamer fly. It is kind of an upgrade on a pattern I’ve used for decades - but now pimped with new materials. This is equally effective in fresh- and saltwater and will imitate small minnows, sculpins, bullhead (also known as the 'Miller's Thumb') as well as dragonfly larvae, and other large insect larvae.
I mainly use this type of fly for perch and trout (sea run and resident) but it will catch most predators.
This is the third video in a series of 5. If you haven’t seen the first two– check them out right here:
Thanks for watching :0)
Cheers, Ulla and Michael
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Grey Squirrel Sculpin
Hook: Streamer #8 (4-12)
Tread: Red
Eyes: Bead chain eyes, silver medium
Tail: Grey Squirrel body hair
Body: Silver mini flat braid
Wing: Silvertippet Squirrel tail
Shoulder/head: Grey Squirrel body hair
My Fly Tying Vice: https://amzn.to/3ucRgtR
You wanna see the camera gear and microphones I use for making my YouTube videos? Check out my equipment on this link to my blog: https://michaeljensens.com/angling/film-making-gear/
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